Thursday, May 15, 2008

My Entry

The Entry into a house is something that has always interested me. It's been said that a house without a proper entry is like a man without a head. The entry is an opportunity to give expression, to reflect who you are so that as you enter your home it somehow aligns with you and strengthens you.

And it's not just the visual either - it's the smells both as you walk up to the entry and as you walk into the house. It's what sounds you hear - birds singing, cars moving by, neighbors, water sounds. It seems rare that we ever get the opportunity to make our entries fit us.

This entry is not really "mine" but I like it. I rent this little cottage in town during the winter months. In June I'm going to move out to the lake for the Summer and Fall. The cottage is named after Minot's Ledge, a lighthouse off the coast of Massachusetts.

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