Monday, July 14, 2014


This is Bill. I met him through a group of road cyclists that have been meeting every Saturday morning for the last few years at The Bagel Cafe in Camden. We ride a loop that is about 34 miles long and has one sprint about midway through the ride and one climb near the end. Bill was really good about organizing the ride, letting new riders know the route and keeping everyone together. He would post on Facebook just about every week with a simple "who's in?" on the night before the ride and then taunt the rest of us with smack talk about how he was going to take the sprint that week. Bill doesn't do this ride much anymore because he moved to another town. I miss riding with him.

Bill is portrait #50 in The Portrait Project - a sort of milestone for me. Only 200 portraits to go...

12"x16" watercolor.


WILDSIDE said...

Congrats on the milestone.

I'm kinda sad this is going to end!

Ken Foster said...

Thanks! Don't be sad...this is just the beginning!