Friday, July 31, 2009

Portrait of Maimonides

This is a reworking of a drawing I found by Ben Shahn in an old book I found on figure drawing. His original drawing was done around 1954 and the book was published in 1960. After I completed my drawing I did a little research on Ben Shahn and learned that 5 years later, in 1965, he reworked the drawings again. Here are his versions:

Monday, July 27, 2009

Plaza Independencia

Wow it's been awhile since I've posted anything. I sketched this in my Handbook Journal. I sat by a column next to a shoeshine stand and sketched this on a sunny and busy day in Independence Plaza. It was hot and it was the only shady spot I could find to sit down. Several people stopped to watch me draw and I spent about 15 minutes talking to a man in broken spanish and english. It is one of the nice things about sketching that people feel they can stop and watch and sometimes strike up a conversation.