Wednesday, February 4, 2015


This is Jen. She's my rock star sister. No, really! She is a singer and songwriter and lives in Nashville when she's not living in LA. She has made several albums and written music that has appeared in films and television and has won all sorts of awards for her music. Check her stuff out on itunes or listen to her Pandora station. She's an amazing and gifted singer and songwriter.

I kept coming back to this one and adding layers of paint and pencil. It started off very pretty (and Jen is all of that) but the layers kept adding/revealing different aspects of Jen so I persisted. At times I was pleased with where it was going. At times disappointed. In the end it connected with me with feeling and a deep love, respect and gratitude for an amazing sister. You can't ask much more from a portrait.

12x16 mixed media. #152

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