Thursday, June 11, 2015


This is Mary. I met her when I was a teenager living in Houston. Her parents and my parents were really good friends so we would hang out sometimes. She was pretty and funny and it seemed like she had hundreds of friends. I loved her laugh and the way she said things. I can still remember her voice in my head like she's sitting right next to me.
A couple of years ago she died from complications of Lupus. She was only 48. When I heard the news I cried a river.
This song Thank U by Alanis Morissette was running through my head while I was painting her portrait and worked its way into the final piece. I don't know why. Maybe because I just got back from India and feel a certain gratitude for Everything. Certainly I'm grateful for knowing Mary.
14x20 watercolor, pencil, and ink on Twinrocker handmade paper. #181

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