Wednesday, September 9, 2015


This is Jack. He's an architect that lives and works out in the sticks.

When I first moved to Maine, I worked as a draftsman in Jack's office. It was there, with Jack, that I really learned how to draw. Not the computer kind of drawing that most architects were doing but drawing by hand - pencil in hand to large sheets of vellum. We drew buildings, of course - but these buildings and houses Jack conceived of and designed were like fine furniture or sculptures that you could live in - beautifully thoughtful, inspiring and magical places. These buildings and the landscapes they were situated in demanded that they be drawn beautifully to communicate their stature and sense of place. Jack does this better than anyone I know. He taught and inspired me to put "life" into the drawings we produced and I carry that intention with me to this day. Thank you Jack.

22x15 pencil and watercolor. #202


WILDSIDE said...

Yes, there definitely is "life" in your work!

Ken Foster said...

Thanks WS! So glad you figured out what to do with your portraits. It's really a personal thing, is't it? Cheers!

WILDSIDE said...

So true...